WOD Wednesday #1

in The Too Busy to Diet Blog on February 5, 2014

Healthy Hearts, Ready. Set. Go.

Written by Alexis D’Ascenzo, Dietetic Student at University of Illinois at Chicago, CPT

Important reminders before you get started:

1. Please take your time to achieve proper form, if you are hesitant on anything Google has thousands of great exercise demonstration videos that can help you with a click of a button.

2. Drink plenty of water, hydration is important when you are losing water (and electrolytes) from sweat.

3. Try and get a warm up in prior to exercise (walking around, or jogging in place) and save time for stretching to prevent injuries.

4. Try your hardest at every workout remember, this is for your heart and body.

5. Most importantly remind yourself, YOU CAN DO THIS. Have fun!


Workout of the Day #1: 5-10-15-20

You will need: A stopwatch/timer (phones work) and water!

Workout Time: 20 minutes

Today’s Objective: Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes.

This means it’s up to you how challenging or easy this workout will be. The more rounds the better, however take breaks as needed but keep the timer continuously running in order to track your number of rounds completed.

5 push-ups. 10 air squats. 15 jumping jacks. 20 second wall sit.


  • Push-ups can be completed from your knees if you are unable to complete a regular push up. As long as your chest gets as close to the ground as you can get it without touching it, that’s all that matters!
  • Air squats are achieved by pretending that you are going to sit down in an imaginary chair, and then stand right back up.
  • Jumping jacks the classic middle school exercise, I know you all remember how to do these!
  • Wall sits are very similiar to air squats however now your imaginary chair becomes the wall (instead of the air) so you must sit with your back straight against the wall.



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