Adult Picky Eaters Can Change When Feeding Baby
in The Too Busy to Diet Blog on August 18, 2015
I have always felt that my daughter was a picky eater. But she has always been a healthy eater. Loryn’s eating has always exceeded a dietitian’s expectations.
In fact, she has the “dietitian thing” down pat! “ Please put the salad dressing on the side, can you not cook the fish in butter” ad nausem.
The main foods that she has never liked are creamy, soft foods. These include: cheese, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, and bananas.
During her running days at Notre Dame, she began eating yogurt after one of her teammates suggested she try some of hers. She tried it and has been a yogurt fan ever since.
Since her son, Luke was born she has been determined to feed him as healthy as possible. She has also been open to feeding him foods that she dislikes.
Luke has become a fan of yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and BANANAS, in addition to almost every other food he is exposed to. Although he did not take to bananas at first or second try, she persevered and kept trying. Luke has become a true BANANA
It is important to keep in mind the old dietitian adage that “ It can take 20 attempts before a new food will be accepted. Grandparents can take comfort that your children may have rejected a food, but your grandchild may ultimately enjoy it. And your child could wind up eating it with them. And although it might take more than 20 tries, hopefully it won’t take 30 years!
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